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The World's First Supernatural Business School!

2025 is the year of Supernatural Prosperity Through the Application of Covenant Promises!

A Year of Great Rising! It's your time to Rise and Shine and have greater impact for the Kingdom of God.

But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
- Deuteronomy 8:18

A Word From Our Founder

Kingdom Greetings!

When the Lord called me to start the Kingdom Chamber of Commerce He made it clear that it was not to be something that would follow the normal route of things instead it was to be something different.....something unique. A Kingdom Chamber that would not just integrate Business and Faith but more importantly show business leaders and entrepreneurs how to tap into the supernatural of God in the Business realm. This followed when He placed the Kingdom Business School in my heart… a supernatural business school.

The Supernatural has always been God's will and way for His people as He created man supernatural. It is His will for His power to be involved in giving Business people success that cannot be achieved by the normal course of things. The impact of the supernatural on life can clearly be seen in the ministry of Jesus, Moses, Elijah and Elisha. Economic challenging times are inevitable and God's people must know how to tap into the supernatural flow. We must get revelation in operating effectively in the supernatural which includes spiritual understanding and revelation knowledge which transcends what you obtain from a university or a regular institution. We often hear about rising above limitations, but this can be achieved only through the supernatural.

The Kingdom Business School and Kingdom Chamber of Commerce is poised by God to be a platform through which the waters of the supernatural will flow into the marketplace. Partners and Students will be shown not just how to serve people with Christ like values of excellence and integrity but also how to make money supernaturally!

Psalm 44:3 says " They got not the land in possession by their own sword..neither did their own arm save them but thy right hand and the light of thy countenance because thou hast favor unto them". God gave Israel a land flowing with milk and honey... they received it supernaturally...not by their own power or might. .They did not get it naturally!

I look forward to seeing the supernatural in business manifest in your life as you attend classes.

In Christ,

Angela Pipersburgh
Founder and President
Kingdom Business School

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